On My Desk

Probably, on my desk the most important item is a herbal tea, (this would have been a coffee but I am trying to drink it a lot less). My desk always tends to be a little on the messy side, I try to blame this on artist brain. From the photo I really need to clean my paint palette. I like to keep up one of two of my prints or paintings, for inspiration and to stay on style. Then I always like a big mix of brushes, pencils and pens easily available.

Sometimes, I also like to keep two paintings or drawings on the go at the same time, then if I need a break from one I still have something to be working on. Then on the other side of my desk I have my computer, with my drawing tablet (wacom) and my order packing station. I am very lucky that my boyfriend Tom custom built me my desk to fit my needs.

I am in the middle of revamping the rest of the space, I have a cabinet against one wall and the a wire framed shelves full of stock and packaging and basically everything. Then around the corner I have both my printers and more blank stock.

Hopefully that gives you a little bit on a behind the scenes on my studio. My next blog post will be on my day to day schedule running my small business.

Thank you for reading!